
An unforgettable home away from home can take the form of plush beddings, infinity pools, gourmet food options and impeccable customer service. What about the bathroom? Have you ever wondered what a dream destination bathroom will look like?
Bathrooms are a place of relaxation, where you start and finish your busy day. This haven can quickly lose its tranquillity if not correctly designed, organised and maintained. We’ve put together five tips to help declutter your bathroom so you can enjoy this space the way it should be!
Designing your dream bathroom is exciting but the actual renovation can be costly, time consuming and stressful. It might be the smallest room in the house but it can often cause the biggest headaches! To keep your bathroom reno on track we’ve put together a list of tips to streamline your bathroom project to avoid delays.
You’re finally ready to start renovating the bathroom but still struggling to nail down the final design! To spark your creativity, we’ve put together a list of our top picks for a modern bathroom design.
In 2018 bathroom renovations are rife with modern design. While it may be hard to choose what bathroom design is best for your home, here at American Standard we look for three very important design elements. We’ve taken the guesswork out of bathroom design and listed the most important elements to look for in your new bathroom.
Cleaning your toilet is never on the top of the to-do list – It can be messy, awkward and is often the first thing to be used straight after you’ve cleaned it! American Standard’s Acacia Evolution Collection is taking the hard work out of cleaning toilets through modern designs and revolutionary technology.
We all get bitten by the travel bug, but not everyone has the same definition of a dream travel destination. Conquering a mountain’s summit in the Everest may be a dream destination for some, while enjoying the sun, sand and sea on a hammock in Maldives may be paradise for another. Then again, sometimes, the most unusual experience can make[...]
It’s a long-standing argument that has been going back and forth in the name of hygiene: Should we wipe or wash after using the toilet? This isn’t the easiest conversation to have since not many are comfortable revealing their toilet habits. However, the sticky nature of the issue makes it necessary to do an audit on our bathroom habits.
Just like fashion trends, bathroom trends have the danger of coming and going which is why when you are creating your dream space it’s important to keep one thought in mind. How do I create a personal but timeless bathroom? After investing money, time and love into coordinating your bathroom you don’t want to later regret design choices, which[...]